First Crash

So I recently had my first crash on two wheels.  It happened to occur on my super awesome 2000 ZRX1100.

I had a friend come in from out of town who had been wanting to go on a ride along.  I decided to oblige and in trying to prep the best I could, I dug out an old vintage leather jacket to cover up her tank top, a helmet and some gloves that while didn’t fit, were better than none at all.  The only leather leggings I had would have looked like circus tents on her legs let alone finding a way to secure them to her waist.  So we went out without leg protection for her.

We started out and she enjoyed herself thoroughly the first 2 legs of the trip.  However when we were about 1/3 the way through the last leg something went wrong.  I can not tell you what, exactly, happened but we leaned into a right turn curve and we both heard something scrape.  The next thing I knew, I was face down in the grass of some ladies yard.  I got up, checked on my passenger and saw to her needs.  Next I found the bike and stood it up and put it on the kickstand.  Still not sure how I picked it up from the wrong side with just my arms.

Once I had the bike steady and was sure my guest was ok, we started to shed equipment.  Helmets off, no abrasions.  Pulled off my jacket, gloves and pants…no breaks in other clothing but I had a nasty tear in one elbow that was leaking blood like a sieve.  I put that aside and went to my friend.  Removed her helmet at her request.  Could not remove the jacket due to the zipper malfunction coming off tract.

She was lucid but I could tell going into shock.  I pulled out my phone and called 911.  I apparently got connected to some county dispatch that once they heard motorcycle sent me off somewhere else.  I finally got through to someone who mattered a couple minutes later and they took my info and off they went.  I barely got a call off to my mom simply saying me and my friend were in a moto accident before I had to hang up due to ems stuff.

The EMS appearance was phenomenal.  2 Firetrucks, 3 Fire EMS units, 6+ truck/suv fire units several police units and from what I hear a chopper on stand by.

Apparently all the 911 operator heard was motorcycle and they prepared for the worst.  I applaud the EMS of Puckett.

So now into the meat of why a lot of you came to look at this log.  The pictures.

Here is the bars bent down and the front fairing after the crash.

fairing after crash bars after crash Fairing after crash 2left side bars after crash


Some scratches on a rear grab bar.

grab bar after crash


Damage to the exhaust system.

Kerker after crash Kerker after crash 2


Tank Damage


Right side tank dent Left side tank dent


Tail section damage


tail section after crash


Engine Guards.  Thank the makers I had Zeus Armor engine cages on my rex or else this would be a whole different rebuild.


Zeus armor after crash Zeus armor after crash 2


Thankfully I had cheap aftermarket side mirrors which took the brunt of the slide leaving my original bar ends intact.

right side bar end


The leather I had might have been cheap and off brand.  But I will say that it saved me so much worry from non existent injuries that could have been terrible if I had no covering at all.  I would willing take a few more stitches for and their wares if more people would simply wear coverings.


So here are my coverings and how they fared.

Jacket left elbow Jacket right bicep jacket right shoulder Overpants right knee overpants right leg Overpants jacket full right arm

My right side and arm took the brunt of the damage of the impact.  I would like to think that I tried to put myself between harms way and her.

Lastly is my helmet.  Think about this when you ride.


helmet after crash


Just stop and think about what you are doing before doing it is all we ask.


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