Vroom! Vroom!

So I got back into town yesterday evening but was too tired to mess with the errant carb spring.  So this afternoon I pulled them again for what I really hope to be the last time for a good long while and put the spring back in it’s place.  Afterward, I re-synced the carbs and setup the idle again.  Then I aired up the tires and putted around the yard and side street a little bit to make sure nothing was going to blow up on me.  Once satisfied that everything was in order, grabbed the helmet and some leather work gloves from the garage and took off to put some miles on the bike.  It felt good to get out and ride it after spending the past month getting it back up to speed from sitting stagnant for a couple years.

The only problem I can see right now is that after sitting for the past week, gas in the newly installed clear filter had become a very dark yellow/brownish color.  I am hoping that this isn’t an indicator of a rusting tank.  Everything I can see from an open gas cap seems fine, but I need to pick up a little extendable mirror to check further in.

Colored Gas

But it was a blast to drive around town and put some miles on it.  Now I just need to order some proper gloves and a jacket.


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