New Bar Risers

Took a few quick minutes this evening to install some new bar risers. Being a little on the taller side, the stock ZRX risers had me leaning forward a little more than was comfortable for me. Fortunately Greg Couch over at the ZRXOA makes a set of risers and cones out of aluminum that are 1″ taller than stock. I was in a rush when putting them on as it was getting dark and I began to run late for a dinner so there aren’t any before pictures. Though here is a shot of the stock risers next to the new ones.

Bar Riser Comparison


And here are a couple of them installed I snapped after getting home tonight.

Bar Risers Installed 1 Bar Risers Installed 2

And yes, I know the bike is filthy.  It did sit for at least a couple years before I picked it up at auction, outside from the looks of rust on some parts of the bike.  One day I will get some time to shine her up.

It didn’t seem like much of a difference just sitting on the bike after bolting everything up but once I got out on the road for a bit I could tell that they were allowing me to sit in a more natural state without needing to have my shoulders as far forward as the stock ones did.  I think I’m going to like them just fine.

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